The Recipes of Africa eBook

It's impossible to have a website dedicated to helping West African refugees and their children without talking a little abut Africa and the foods of Africa.

Did you know that okra is an African vegetable and it was brought to America by slaves from West Africa? Did you know that gumbos and 'greens' dishes both originated in Africa and were also brought to the Americas by slaves? Indeed, the ancestors to both these dishes are still cooked by West Africans to this day!

If I give you the phrase 'African Cuisine' what comes to mind? Maybe you laugh at the very concept. Maybe you think of an African woman outside a mud hut cooking on a wood fire. Maybe your image is that of the fragrantly-spiced tagines and stews of North Africa?

Whatever your image of African food it's probably wrong... Africa is a vast continent, geographically split into the regions of North African, West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa.

Each of these regions has its own native traditions created by the landscape and what's grown or culitvated there. They also have influences from various invaders who conquered or settled the lands. North Africa has a strong Arabic influence. West Africa has influences from the Arabs, Portugese, French and British. East Africa has Indian, Malay and British influences. Southern Africa has Afrikaans, British and Malay influences. Central Africa is one of the few regions without much colonial influence in its cooking (though the French did make some inroads into the interior). Thus the cookery of Africa relates to the history of the continent's peoples.

New foods such as chillies and tomatoes made huge inroads into the continent as, to a lesser extent, did potatoes, cabbages, wheat and maize. All these became incorporated as elements of native cookery and few dishes in East, West and Central Africa don't have chillies in them now. Yet, these came in as additions to the native cuisines. They are still used primarily as flavourings for soups and stews based on greens and dried fish, served with rice, yams, cassava or plantains.

To encapsulate the cuisines of an entire continent is almost impossible especially where the recipes and foods of each region is so different from the other. But one author has been brave enough to try and do this and his efforts are drawing some attention:

HubPages review of The Recipes of Africa
Squidoo lens on The Recipes of Africa
Help Stefan article on The Recipes of Africa

In his Recipes of Africa eBook, author Dyfed Lloyd Evans has sought not only to provide a flavour of the five regions of Africa, he as also attempted to bring together recipes from each and every country in Africa into one place.

In his eBook, which weighs-in at over 500 pages and provides over 800 recipes you get to learn a little about the regions of Africa and you get information about each country. But above all you get recipes, lots and lots of recipes representing the typical cuisine of each country, the festival cuisines and the family recipes.

Learn about native African cookery, about the new cuisine of African Fusion. See how to make the dishes and how to present then in your own home. If you're going to buy just one recipe eBook this year, then this has to be it.

Even better, proceeds from the sale of this eBook go to supporting the campaign highlighted in this website.

The eBook is written and presented like a proper book. You get an index, a glossary and a key. You also get access to all those recipes from all across Africa. This is the first time such a huge number of African recipes has ever been catalogued and put together in one place. This really is the key resource for African cookery across the whole of Africa.

Anyone interested in food and cookery really needs to get this eBook and add it to their collection. Anyone interested in African culture should also get this eBook. Even better, your payment will help to make lives in Africa better. So, you'd better go to the African Recipes eBook page and take a look for yourself, right now!

What have you got to lose? Just a $10 donation to the One Million People Campaign made securely via PayPal gets you a copy of the Recipes of Africa as a 'thank you' for your donation. If you would like to get your eBook straight away then you can use the link below to make your donation via PayPal and once your are done you will be taken directly to the eBook's download page: